Esteban de Cádiz

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

La Boda

And some wedding it was!!! Writing in English this time to make sure the people I met during the last week can understand it as well... (and maybe fill in some blanks of what happened during the last 4 days and nights ;-)).

We all started on Thursday evening at the bar of Hotel Senator, where most guests were staying. Then on to club Nahu, got back (I think) at around 6 in the morning...

On Friday, the wedding festivities started at 16:00 in the Irish pub, where I was the only one present at that time for a quick drink before the ceremony. I was trying to remember if someone had informed of a change of venue during the past evening but luckily, some other guys wearing suits were arriving not much later...

The ceremony was very nice, in English and Spanish, then time for a quick drink while the happy couple got some pictures taken and then on to the magnificent location where we had the reception, speeches and diner, and alcohol... lots of alcohol... – the ‘Gibraltar’ table will not easily be forgotten...

On Saturday, lunch at 02:30, and team Gibraltar proved that the best way to treat a hangover is to just start drinking again (it’s all about results!). But honestly, we did enjoy it, great fun again!
After lunch a beautiful time on the beach, 31 degrees, then back to the bar, and from there back home, to the bar at Hotel Senator... it is so hard to capture the fun we had and I will leave a lot to your own imagination (and for the ones that were there, your own or other people’s memories....).

Most people left on Sunday morning/evening so the die-hards who were still here had to be rallied up for one more night on the town (after a much needed SPA experience at the hotel – I think we were all sweating pure alcohol in the sauna), for a final diner and YES, more alcohol to see the happy couple off to their honeymoon and thank them for the best wedding party ever!!! We all had a great time, all 4 days :-)

And then... just one more drink at the Irish pub...

(a crash course on how to drink a bucket full of Amaretto)

Hasta luego!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zuiplap ;-)
Gaan we binnenkort ook weer eens doen !


October 13, 2006 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo lange, waren dr ok nog solomioos dan?... Of is daar de zozaijitie te hoog?... Kijk.... vier dagen zuipen kan ik ok wa... maar met die farkeshaazn dr bi ist 'n heel ander verhaal...anders kom ik wa 'n keer langs met die hongaar, old times!!!! kvind't donders gaaf dait doar miraakels gaaf hebt!!!! CU 22ste op U stage adres hihi...proost hik#@%$#^&*

October 14, 2006 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incredible ... what an experience! Glad you had a good time. Looking forward to see you next Saturday... Paella is waiting ;-)

October 16, 2006 3:44 PM  

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